2 Storey - 2 Bed Granny Flat + Carport

Council DA vs CDC Private Certifier
Complying Development Certificate Approval
You can have a 2 bedroom Granny Flat built in your backyard, with no council approval,
without neighbours objecting and approved in just 10 -15 days?
In 2009, the NSW Government released the Affordable Housing State Environment Planning Policy (SEPP) which permits all residential home-owners with a property larger then 450m2 (which also has a minimum 12m street frontage) to build a Granny Flat on their property.
The NSW Affordable Housing State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) was introduced in 2009 allowing Granny Flats in NSW to be approved as a complying development in just 10 – 15 days. This legislation means that residential home owners do not require Granny Flat approvals on their property subject to some minimum requirements.
The minimum site requirements for a Granny Flat approval as a complying development include:
Property must be a minimum 450m2 in area
Property must be zoned residential
Property must have a 12 metre width at the building line of the proposed detached granny flat. If your property does not meet this requirement you could apply for an attached granny flat.
Maintain a 3.0m setback from the rear and 0.9m from side boundaries
Maintain a distance of 3.0m from any existing trees that are over 4m in height
Maximum 60m2 external area for your granny flat
Development Application Approval
When CDC cannot be approved via a Private Certifier or Council we need to consult the DCP for your local Council and design the building accordingly.
Apart from the formal floor plans & elevations,
- added details & documentation will be provided including
Statement of Environmental Effects, Site Analysis, Soil & Waste Management etc.
Council Approval process time : 6-9 weeks depending on site requirements and backlog.
Sydney Map